Tuesday 29 January 2013

T-shirt design: I'm All Ears

Initial sketches and idea discovery :

 the sketch of how i wanted my final design to look:

 the sketch that i traced over:

but the head wasnt proportional and i needed reference for the brain so i used the following pictures:

and here is the outcome :

after tracing over the brain and head shape traced over the ears part of my sketch

played around with font in the IM ALL font to make it look like sound waves

and made the speakers in illustrator

and just put everything together

i brightened up the colors before printing it 

and thats the final outcome of my t-shirt design :-)

Saturday 5 January 2013

haunted house exercise

Shopping Festival Poster

T-shirt Design ( Mr Adam)

it reeeeeaally took me a while to figure out how to design this t-shirt , i needed something funny not offensive in the same time with a funny line that wasnt too long , i went through alot of funny quotes first and thought that maybe then that will inspire me.
here are the ones i liked the most:

- if its the fall that kills you its the sudden stop in the end
-i like life its something to do
-LUCKINESS TOP MOMENT: to get run over by an ambulance
- just because you have one doesn't mean you have to act like one

i liked the last one thought it was funny , and sketched out my idea, but then mr adam told me it was kind of too suggestive.

so i went back to brain storming ..and after a whiiiiile i thought why not make a bad ass barney
the grown up version of barney after life showed him how tough it can be.
everyone knows Barney as their favorite dinosaur thats always positive and happy "i love you you love me we are a happy family" so this bad ass Barney doesn't believe in that anymore.

the sketch: 

mirror-mirror assignment concept art

For my concept art i decided i wanted it to be of Rapunzel brushing her hair in front of a mirror.

to get some inspiration i googled concept art of the disney movie Tangled here some of the best ones i liked and influenced my style.

And finally here is my concept art for my movie Nina :-)

i wanted the surrounding to be dark so that my Rapunzel stands out more like in some of the concept arts above.

Friday 4 January 2013

mirror-mirror assignment: the story boards

Here are my three scenes:


  Intro, Nina is imagining herself as Rapunzel and her thoughts get interrupted by a nurse.

SCENE 2 : ( Middle,conflict scene)

 Nina's condition worsens, which causes a lot of emotional pain and she becomes weak and gives up on life, in her head her Rapunzel self starts to lose her hair.

SCENE 3 : (Final)
   Nina goes to her doctor for the result's of her final RMI and he tells her she is free of cancer, she leaves the hospital and the tower ready to start her new life.