Sunday 30 December 2012

Illustration and Visual Narrative: drawing words

 for this assignment we were devided into groups and given a body part , my group got ears and were told to select a saying based on that body part and create a "multi-facet illustrated narrative"
 we went through a lot of quotes till we finally settled on I'M ALL EARS

we wanted to illustrate what that quote really meant , which is basically i'm listening
 and that was the best way for us to do it

we basically tried to illustrate that feeling (listening) by using objects that relate to that . for "I'M" musical instruments speakers, musical notes , headsets. for ALL sound waves. for Ears ...well ears :-) and headsets because thats what directly puts sound into your ears. the piercings...?? well we just felt like it made the ears look cool after all..

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